hey kellie bet you dont know who this is...lol well i jus wanted to say makin this page takes alot of courage and i know you got it..we gotta be bold on fire for God christians...and be disciples and disciple the ones who don't believe i God is gonna do GREAT things through us and i can already see him doing a work through you..keep it up i luvv you much lil sis kaykay
Listen hun, I completely understand your position. From reading your profile you were missing the love of your birth father so you substituded an imaginary make believe father instead, this is why the Bible was written. Many many people are missing the love from their birth fathers, me included.
Men have a tendacy to impregnate a woman and leave her alone with her children and no thought to her children at all later.
Judgeing by the deleted posts here you seem to agree with freedom of speech as long as it's what you want to hear.
I have a question for you.
Why did God say in genisis that the wages of sin is death and that was it?
Is not the act of dying good enough for this god?
Why some four thousand years later did he came up with now, you must believe in Jesus or go to hell?
Was not the act of death enough punishment for Adam and Eves sins?
Don't you think death in it's self is enough punishment for sins? I mean we have cancer, every disease imaginable, car crashes people being burned to death alive, we see our pets die and get run over by cars, I hear of children being born of cancer and other diseases.
I read where preachers and pastors, christians get sick and die of cancer even if they confess Jesus as their lord and savior.
Isn't just death alone enough punishment? And now you want people to believe in Jesus so they won't go to hell.
Who do yu think invented that nonsense, a God?
The Bible was written by men, to forgive men, to save men, the bible was not written for women women are excluded from the bible.
The bible was written by men to forgive them for forcing themselves on to women, read the news little girls-women being raped, killed, molested, by pastors, ministers, christians, google in -pastor charged- I dare ya.
Time to grow up and get real.
Who is Del Smith a supernatural prophet of god, I hardly think so.
First off, Who cares abut my birth father?, that is NOT why I believe in God. The comments that were deleted, WERE FROM ME!(yea..OOPS!) If that was so, I wouldn't allow anonymous comments. Gee, see what happens when you "judge?" And the woman/bible comment...NON-SENSE.Women did partake in writting the bible, atleast the ones I've been reading.The bible even says women should be treated with respect and honor. I don't know where you're getting that "equal rights for women" imprudence from, but I think you're confussed between American customs and The bible. Again for the third time:That's your fleshly/carnal understanding.And I do infact respect that. We will never understand the whole bible with the CORRECT meaning. That is known as kingdom secrets. I'm not trying to talk down on you but, what makes you think that you're worthy enough to know EVERYTHING about heaven, the bible, earth, and hell? God only trust certain people with that information(ex. the author of divine revelations of hell, the author of divine revelations of heaven, etc.) He will trust people that one, believe in him, two that are ready to go through those things.By the way, Del Smith is like a brother to me, who knows he might be a "supernatural prophet" And about that time to grow up and get real comment, I'm going keep my mouth shut, and watch what words I type.I'm not the type that will go off and use profanity...not anymore anyway. LOve you....Royalty
Well, all I have to say is, I believe that what's in the red writing was indeed written by God.I live in America and one of our main mottos happens to be: "Freedom for All"
Anonymous said: "They didn't have red writing back then!"
OOOH really, you were alive back then to witness that? ANYWAY, I'm sure they wrote in bolded hand-writing, Wrote Jesus said:, or something of that matter, where they were able to identify what Jesus wrote.
And if it wasn't, SO WHAT WHO CARES? GOD IS STILL REAL! The bible even says, that he had witnesses to witness because if he said or wrote the things himself, people would not believe.Hmmm....that sounds pretty familiar!
And as far as that "sell all to poor" jibberish that YOU put into YOUR understanding, please I have enough people in my business already, no need to add more, or for that matter...YOU! So BACK BACK with all of that demented non-sense your trying to throw at me, but I must admit....THANKS for the laugh. I LOVE YOU, Royalty
P.s. I do give a more than fair share to the poor, God knows my heart...You don't, and with that being said...Good bye.
I started off with an abnormal childhood.The environment I was in was really hectic.I didn't know my father (and I still don't), my family would argue day and night, my sister was going down the wrong path in life, and a lot of other erroneous things.Bottom line I was just miserable.I was raised around christianity, but never really got to know Jesus for myself.It took my sister's salvation for me to come in contact with my own.After I did, I felt like a whole new person, I wasn't lost anymore, that feeling of incompleteness had vanished.It was an indescribable feeling.When I became a christian I was able to use God as my weapon.He's more powerful than anything I could ever imagine, he has brought me out of things and situations that ONLY a supernatural being was capable of.I am now a woman of God and will remain one forever and eternity.I know with no doubt in my mind that Jesus Christ is real.
Jesus Christ is real and he's coming soon...are you ready?
hey kellie bet you dont know who this is...lol well i jus wanted to say makin this page takes alot of courage and i know you got it..we gotta be bold on fire for God christians...and be disciples and disciple the ones who don't believe i God is gonna do GREAT things through us and i can already see him doing a work through you..keep it up i luvv you much lil sis
Listen hun, I completely understand your position. From reading your profile you were missing the love of your birth father so you substituded an imaginary make believe father instead, this is why the Bible was written. Many many people are missing the love from their birth fathers, me included.
Men have a tendacy to impregnate a woman and leave her alone with her children and no thought to her children at all later.
Judgeing by the deleted posts here you seem to agree with freedom of speech as long as it's what you want to hear.
I have a question for you.
Why did God say in genisis that the wages of sin is death and that was it?
Is not the act of dying good enough for this god?
Why some four thousand years later did he came up with now, you must believe in Jesus or go to hell?
Was not the act of death enough punishment for Adam and Eves sins?
Don't you think death in it's self is enough punishment for sins?
I mean we have cancer, every disease imaginable, car crashes people being burned to death alive, we see our pets die and get run over by cars, I hear of children being born of cancer and other diseases.
I read where preachers and pastors, christians get sick and die of cancer even if they confess Jesus as their lord and savior.
Isn't just death alone enough punishment? And now you want people to believe in Jesus so they won't go to hell.
Who do yu think invented that nonsense, a God?
The Bible was written by men, to forgive men, to save men, the bible was not written for women
women are excluded from the bible.
The bible was written by men to forgive them for forcing themselves on to women, read the news little girls-women being raped, killed, molested, by pastors, ministers, christians, google in -pastor charged- I dare ya.
Time to grow up and get real.
Who is Del Smith a supernatural prophet of god, I hardly think so.
First off, Who cares abut my birth father?, that is NOT why I believe in God. The comments that were deleted, WERE FROM ME!(yea..OOPS!) If that was so, I wouldn't allow anonymous comments. Gee, see what happens when you "judge?" And the woman/bible comment...NON-SENSE.Women did partake in writting the bible, atleast the ones I've been reading.The bible even says women should be treated with respect and honor. I don't know where you're getting that "equal rights for women" imprudence from, but I think you're confussed between American customs and The bible. Again for the third time:That's your fleshly/carnal understanding.And I do infact respect that. We will never understand the whole bible with the CORRECT meaning. That is known as kingdom secrets. I'm not trying to talk down on you but, what makes you think that you're worthy enough to know EVERYTHING about heaven, the bible, earth, and hell? God only trust certain people with that information(ex. the author of divine revelations of hell, the author of divine revelations of heaven, etc.) He will trust people that one, believe in him, two that are ready to go through those things.By the way, Del Smith is like a brother to me, who knows he might be a "supernatural prophet" And about that time to grow up and get real comment, I'm going keep my mouth shut, and watch what words I type.I'm not the type that will go off and use profanity...not anymore anyway. LOve you....Royalty
How come if jesus was a miracle worker, but he never wrote one word of the bible?
The bible was written about jesus not from jesus.
Jesus DID write some of the bible, it's called read the red writing.
hey bay bay hey bay bay whats up i just wanna stop bye and say hey and i love.you keep doing wat you doing let god use.love shareka shana williams.
They didn't have red ink back then!!!!
Jesus supposedly said to sell all that you have and give to the poor have you done this yet?
It sounds like you believe in Jesus, but do not adhere to what he supposedly taught or said.
He also suppposedly said, many will confess me as their savior but will not listen and do what I command, are you a hypocrite maybe?
Well, all I have to say is, I believe that what's in the red writing was indeed written by God.I live in America and one of our main mottos happens to be: "Freedom for All"
Anonymous said: "They didn't have red writing back then!"
OOOH really, you were alive back then to witness that? ANYWAY, I'm sure they wrote in bolded hand-writing, Wrote Jesus said:, or something of that matter, where they were able to identify what Jesus wrote.
And if it wasn't, SO WHAT WHO CARES? GOD IS STILL REAL! The bible even says, that he had witnesses to witness because if he said or wrote the things himself, people would not believe.Hmmm....that sounds pretty familiar!
And as far as that "sell all to poor" jibberish that YOU put into YOUR understanding, please I have enough people in my business already, no need to add more, or for that matter...YOU! So BACK BACK with all of that demented non-sense your trying to throw at me, but I must admit....THANKS for the laugh. I LOVE YOU, Royalty
P.s. I do give a more than fair share to the poor, God knows my heart...You don't, and with that being said...Good bye.
Yes you are totally right, You're finally getting it! Praise the Lord!
yea thats good anonymous got it. but make sure when you ask for god to forgive you you have to mean god knows if you don't mean it.
"Jesus Christ is real and he's coming soon...are you ready?"
And you've been saying this for how long?
Columbus predicted jesus return, he hasn't returned yet.
I guess it makes you feel good like you know something no one else knows...eh?
I didn't know peoples hearts have doors. Who told you this?
I would love to kiss that brown pussy of yours, I bet it tastes like brown sugar...mmmmmm
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